Roxor Plow Mount


Plow Mount for the below listed Mahindra's:

  • NOTE: Mounts listed below will use the new style #459-6300 or old style #105635 UTV push tubes. 

UTV Model Specific Plow Mount Specifications:

Mahindra ORV Year Part Number
ROXOR ALL 106005

!!! CAUTION !!!

The Open Trail plow system, including the blade and push tube, is designed to be used with ATV and UTV applications. Due to the increased size and weight of the ROXOR machine compared to a full size UTV, failing to follow the below safety rules will greatly increase the chances of damaging your plow system, machine and/or winch (if applicable). KFI will not be liable for any bending of materials as it is not caused by imperfections or defects in the material but by failing to follow these safety rules:

  • Do not exceed 5 MPH, even with the blade raised.
  • Make sure that all nuts and bolts are tightened per installation instructions.
  • Never operate this KFI product with missing or damaged parts.
  • Drive slowly over bumpy and rough terrain, driving fast could cause damage to winch (if applicable) or plow.
  • Never raise the plow above point of contact as it could cause damage to machine or winch (if applicable).
  • Always perform regular inspections and maintenance on plow system and hardware before use.
  • Operate with extreme caution on slopes, steep grades, and rough terrain.
  • Be aware of any possible hidden objects under the snow.
  • Do not ram the blade into the snow pile.



